Animation Arts

Bachelor of Film Arts

NQF Level 7 | SAQA ID: 94670


The School of ANIMATION ARTS forms part of our fully accredited Bachelor of Film Arts degree with major subjects such as 3D Animation, Game Design and Motion Design. The School of Animation Arts delivers a hands-on education with an accomplished faculty that focuses on helping students discover their talents, celebrate creativity and unlock the potential of technology. In this School, the narrative remains at the core of its disciplines, whether it is delivered by the moving image or handing over control of an interactive experience. We push the boundaries of our imagination to breathe life into new creations. Students learn the fundamental principles that fuel the medium and develop their own distinct artistic voice.


  • Subject to OW’s Admissions Vetting Process
  • An English mark of 55%
  • International applications please contact

1st YEAR


  • Academic Practice
  • Drawing & Narrative
  • Media Perspectives


Leading to majors. Choose 4:

2nd YEAR


Choose one 1st year choice subject for a single major option or choose two of the 1st year choice subjects for a *double major option:

For more information on the 2nd and 3rd year subjects click on one of the major subjects.

*Double major only allowed within qualifications.

Double Majors
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